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Buying a UV Ozone Generator Vs Corona Discharge Ozone Generator

By Marcia Price

For home and hobbyist gardeners that use Hydroponics for indoor gardening, it is important to properly cleanse the air for good growing. Ozone generators, once very expensive and only available for commercial use, are now available for home applications. There are two main types of ozone air generator products; ultraviolet (UV) and corona discharge ozone generators. There are similarities between each, but they have some fundamental differences that are important for potential buyers to consider. The following paragraphs will further outline UV ozone generator and corona discharge ozone generator information and some positive points to look for when buying an ozone air generator.

Hydroponic growers have long used UV ozone generators to rid their grow rooms of odors from plants, mold and mildew. UV generators create ozone similarly to how it is created in the upper atmosphere. When air is passed over the UV lamp the oxygen molecules are split apart into single oxygen atoms. The single atoms naturally try to seek stability and do so by bonding with other oxygen molecules to form ozone. A UV ozone generator is very effective at creating ozone and purifying the air for good growing conditions. It is also a good way to eliminate odor, kill bacteria and control fungus and mold when properly used. The UV rids the air of contaminants by rupturing the cells of the organisms. The UV is also effective at deterring spider mites and other airborne pathogens that can inhibit or harm plant growth. One of the most powerful UV ozone generator products is the Big Blue, which produces ozone at 750 to nearly 4,000 mg/hr, depending on the size of the unit you purchase.

By contrast, corona discharge ozone generators create ozone somewhat like how it is created in lightening. These ozone air generators create an electrical field or corona over a dielectric surface. When dry air passes through the corona, the oxygen molecules split apart into single atoms and then seek to group into stable groups of ozone in the same way described previously. Corona discharge ozone generators come in three different types based on frequency. Low frequency generators are between 50 and 100 Hz, medium frequencies range between 100 and 1,000 Hz, and high frequencies are over 1,000 Hz. The higher frequency generators are generally more efficient and reliable. Potential buyers should be aware of three things before deciding to buy a corona discharge generator. First, the air must be dry, less than 10% humidity, for corona discharge ozone to be efficient. As relative humidity increases, ozone output decreases. This can pose problems in a Hydroponic grow room. Second, 85%-90% of the electricity used to generate ozone also generates heat, so steps must be taken to remove excess heat. Third, corona discharge ozone creates Nitric Acid, which is very corrosive to internal parts, can cause premature failure, and significantly increases the frequency of maintenance to keep the unit clean and running properly.

When you are choosing an ozone air generator, you will want to find one that works effectively in a variety of environments and does not require too much maintenance or hassle. A UV ozone generator does not create any nitrogen oxides (Nitric Acid), which is common with corona discharge ozone generators. UV generators have many other positive aspects that should be considered when shopping. One positive is that humidity does not affect the output of ozone. This is a great feature because grow rooms naturally become humid and warm. Further, a UV ozone generator requires very little maintenance, usually only requiring the bulbs to be wiped down after each growing season, or every 6 months.

Marcia Price became a specialist in Hydroponic indoor gardening and UV Ozone Generator products for the protection of our environment. Growing plants in water is an ecologically sound decision, with no water or space waste, ground or water contamination, or top soil erosion. Hydroponics must be the future for gardening and crops. If you are interested in starting your own eco-friendly Hydroponic system, visit www.NaturesHydroponics.com.

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